Apply for Roads Construction Consent

You can use this form to apply for consent to construct a new road or an extension of an existing road within Fife.

What you'll need to know

  • Location and description of the proposed works
  • Developers details

We need uploads of the following drawings:

  • Road long sections
  • Road construction details
  • Drainage layout
  • Drainage construction details
  • Location plan 1:2500 scale
  • Street lighting 1:250 or 1:500 scale
  • Road layout 1:250 or 1:500 scale showing carriageways, footways, footpaths, grass verges/service strips, vehicular accesses, traffic calming, pedestrian crossing points, side slopes, road gullies and buildings
  • Roads proposed for adoption 1:500 scale showing carriageways, footways, footpaths and vehicular  crossings coloured red and grass verges/service strips coloured green

You can find out about how we manage the personal information you provide by reading the privacy policy.