Apply for an Over 60s MyFife Card

This form is to be used for first time applications for a MyFife card if you are over 60 or turning 60 in the next two weeks.

If you already have a MyFife card for concessionary travel and need a replacement you should complete the MyFife Card Replacement form that you can find on this page.

To complete the Over 60s form you will need:

  • To sign in to with your myaccount, or register for a myaccount. The form will direct you to do this.
  • To be over 60 years old, or turn 60 within the next two weeks.
  • To be a resident in Fife.
  • To prove your identity you will need to have:
    • either a passport and be able to upload a copy of it (see below).
    • or photo driving licence and be able to upload a copy of the front of it and the back of it (see below).
  • To prove your address you will need to have a recent bank statement, utility bill or council tax bill with your name and current address and be able to upload a copy of it (see below).
  • You will need to have a recent passport-style photograph and be able to upload a copy of it (see below).

If you do not or cannot meet these requirements (such as no photographic ID), you cannot proceed with this form at this time. You should complete the online Book an Appointment form on this page or phone 03451 55 00 66 to arrange for a face to face appointment at your most convenient Customer Service Centre.

Uploading Documents

We need to see some documents from you to process this application. You can upload these documents on the form. We will only keep these documents for as long as we need to process your application.

You can scan your documents or you can take a photo of them with your camera, phone or tablet. You can then upload these pictures to the form when requested. If you use a phone or tablet to take the pictures and then use your phone or tablet to complete the form you can upload the pictures directly from your device. If you'd rather complete the form on a computer, make sure you have the pictures on your computer.

For a photo driving licence you need 2 pictures - one of the front and another of the back.

If you already receive your bank statement or bills by email you can save a copy of the email or take a screenshot of it and upload that.

You will need a clear photograph showing your head and shoulders against a plain background. You should not be wearing a hat, but can wear your glasses.

Make sure the pictures or files have different names or the form will not allow you to upload them all.

It makes sense to have the pictures ready before you start the form.


You will receive a confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted at the end.

Privacy notice

You can read the privacy notice for this application explaining what we do with your information.