Apply for a Fife Council Nursery Place

Use this form if you would like to apply for a place at a Fife Council nursery. The child must be 3 or 4 years old at the start of term.

What you will need before starting this form:

  • Child's details (including medical history)
  • Emergency contact information
  • Doctor and Health Visitors information

You will be asked to upload:

  • Childs birth certificate or passport. You can order a copy of a birth certificate here.
  • Evidence as proof of your current address (this can be your Council Tax bill, a utility bill, Credit card or bank statement, Child benefit award letter, or NHS registration card) 
    • The Council Tax bill must be your most recent bill, issued for 2024/2025.
    • The utility bill must not be more than 6 months old.
  • If you don't have a paper bill, you can download a copy of your council tax bill from your online account.
    • Sign in here to your online council tax account.
    • If you haven't already registered for your online council tax account, please visit our Council Tax page for information on how to register.

If you receive e-billing for your utilities you can just upload those files - you don't need to print them and take photos.

Advice on uploads:

Files can be a maximum size of 5MB each.

When uploading choose your file on your device and submit it. Then wait for the file to appear on the form like the image below - the file is showing as "summary.jpg".

This can take a few seconds. Retrying too quickly can lead to a security warning.

upload example

You can find out about how we manage the personal information you provide by reading the privacy policy.