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Levenmouth Reconnected Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information we collect about you.

Fife Council uses the personal information provided by you when you complete an application on behalf of your project/organisation.

We will use the information provided by you to assess your application for a grant as part of the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme.

Our legal basis for processing your information is for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council.

The personal information we gather and may process includes name, contact details, and bank account details.

We share your information included within your application with the Working Group in order to assess your application.  Members of the Working Group may include representatives from organisations such as SEPA, Transport Scotland, NHS Fife, SEStran, Scottish Government, Transport Scotland, Sustrans Scotland, Visit Scotland, Network Rail, Scotrail, Nature Scot, SPT UK Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Fife College and others.

We will receive information about you from yourself or from the organisation you are representing.

There is no automated decision making in relation to your application.

In the event we did not request and use this information, it would not be possible to process your application.