Published Date: Feb 25th, 2025
Templehall Community Gym has received the keys to their new premises from Fife Council’s Communities and Leisure Spokesperson, Councillor Linda Erskine and Martin Cooper, Construction Director with BAM Construction Ltd.
It comes after two months of planning and six weeks of hard work to refit what was the old learning annex of the former Argos Centre.
This is all part of Fife Council’s exciting £15m plans to regenerate the Templehall area and build a new Community Hub that will become home to several services right in the heart of the community.
BAM and it’s supply chain, invested a significant amount of time and money into this project. Where they could, BAM employed local companies and people to benefit the local economy and keep the money within the area. They also reused and recycled materials from other Fife Council projects they’ve worked on as part of the gym refit, including the new Woodmill and St Columba’s high schools in Dunfermline.
Councillor Linda Erskine, Fife Council’s Spokesperson for Communities and Leisure said: “We’re thrilled to handover the keys to Yvonne from the new Templehall Community Gym, generously fitted out by BAM Construction Ltd as part of the plans to reshape the local area.
“Templehall Gym is a long-established facility, and I’m pleased it will continue to provide a much-enjoyed space for residents to take part in physical activity and promote overall well-being.
“We’re grateful to BAM Construction who have done an excellent job fitting out the new gym, ensuring it meets the highest standards.
“This project is testament to the power of what can be achieved when we all work together. I’d like to thank everyone who has made this possible."
Martin Cooper, Construction Director with BAM said: “We were delighted to be involved in this community wealth building project.
“This was key to unlocking the masterplan for the new Templehall Community Hub.
“We’d like to thank all of our supply chain who gave so generously and hope this investment will bring years of happiness to the local community and sees the Templehall Community Gym go on for another 60 years.”
Yvonne Courtnage, Templehall Gym Secretary, added: “Following years of discussions, we did think that it was going to be the end for us.
“We would really like to thank the staff who have found a solution and to BAM for their continued support in seeing out this vision.
“It is definitely not the end for us, but just a new beginning.
“For a short period of time, we will be adapting to our new surroundings with our current membership, but we do look to start inviting more of the local community to come and join in the near future. Anyone interested should email”.
Our photo shows from left to right: Martin Cooper, Construction Director with BAM, Councillor Ian Cameron, Convener of the Kirkcaldy Area Committee, Councillor Linda Erskine, Fife Council’s Spokesperson for Communities and Leisure and Yvonne Courtnage, Templehall Gym Secretary.