Mixed results for Fife school exclusion zones

A trial aimed at reducing the amount of traffic outside three Fife primary schools has had mixed results Fife councillors heard on Thursday (9 January).

A report to Fife Council's Cabinet Committee has recommended stopping the trials at Denend Primary School in Cardenden and Pitcoudie Primary School in Glenrothes. However the trial at St Maries Primary School in Kirkcaldy is set to continue.

All three schools selected for the trial which began in November 2022, are located at the end of cul-de-sacs and have Park and Stride initiatives as part of their school travel plans.

The aim of the trials was to exclude vehicles from the zones beside the schools. However school staff, school taxis, parents and their children with additional support needs and residents within the street were given permits which allowed them access at certain times. Blue badge holders were also exempt from any restrictions.

Results from traffic surveys showed that traffic speeds remained similar across all three trial sites but compliance with the restrictions reduced over time.

Fife's education spokesperson Cllr Cara Hilton confirmed there was no clear evidence from the trials to show they had improved environmental conditions around the schools.

She added: "The resources needed from each school to make sure drivers were following the restrictions became more difficult to manage over time, and unfortunately as time went on, there were fewer drivers complying with the restrictions in place. Sadly this means it's not sustainable to continue with two of the trials."

The council's Area Committees will consider any future requests for new school exclusion zones which would be funded through the area roads programme.