More parking for popular Kelty community facilities

This article is more than 1 year old

Cllr Linda Erskine

Fife Council's Cabinet Committee has agreed to fund a partnership project to deliver 70 much-needed parking spaces for Kelty's flourishing community facilities.

Funding of £250k from Fife Council's Capital Investment Plan will see Kelty Hearts Football Club build and operate a new, purpose built car park for the benefit of the local community. Situated on land at the side of Kelty Community Centre, locally known as the Trotting Track, it will help to alleviate the village's growing parking problem around the football club, community centre and school.

Communities Spokesperson, Cllr Linda Erskine said: "These community facilities are very well used and continue to grow in popularity. Their success is contributing towards the area suffering from parking congestion though and I'm pleased that this approach is set to deliver both a solution and quality asset for the good of the whole community.

"This is a really good example of delivering on the council's Plan 4 Fife priorities to create thriving places and support community-led services. The approach gives Kelty Hearts the opportunity to secure the site at a reduced cost and access additional funding that may not be available to Fife Council if they choose to further develop the site. The new car park will be a valuable asset for use by the football club, community centre customers and primary school parents at drop off and pick up times or when school events are taking place."

Although Kelty Hearts will own the site and be responsible for the upkeep and future maintenance, the terms of the project will make it clear that it will be a shared facility for the benefit of the whole community.