Have your say on parking proposals in Hill of Beath: Your Opinion Counts!

This article is more than 1 year old

Parking in Hill of Beath survey

Cowdenbeath Area Committee have awarded £50,000 to tackle parking issues in Hill of Beath.

With high levels of on-street parking around Torbeith Gardens, there's a small grass area which is being considered to create around 5 additional parking spaces.  The proposed parking spaces will be situated next to the existing garages, with no impact on their accessibility.

Councillor Alex Campbell, Cowdenbeath Area Committee Convenor said: "Parking problems have been an issue for residents in Hill of Beath and this funding is our chance to do something about it and make life easier for everyone.

“We want to make sure we're on the right track. We're not just going to go ahead with our plans without hearing what you think. That's why we're asking for your help. We've put together a quick survey to get your thoughts on the parking idea. Whether you agree or have any other suggestions as to what this funding should be used for, we want to know.”