50 things to do in Fife before you are 5

This article is more than 1 year old

50 things to do roadshow

It might be way too late for most of us, but for those with children (or grandchildren) under 5 there’s a new website packed full of ideas on how to entertain your little ones … and they’re mostly all free!

50 Things to do before you’re 5 is an initiative which was launched in Fife, in August 2023 on National Play Day.  There are currently 22 local authorities across the UK involved, with Fife being the first in Scotland to take part.

50 Things to do Before You’re 5 in Fife is a new website and app that consists of 50 exciting, playful ideas for you to enjoy with your under 5!

It consists of low or no cost activities that are fun, free, and accessible, for families to do both at home or when out and about in your local area; providing a great way to support children’s health, wellbeing, and development.

Cllr.Linda Erskine, Spokesperson for Communities and Leisure Services, is delighted that Fife is involved. She said: “Fife has been at the forefront of a whole range of early years initiatives and this website is just one of many ways we are leading the way in improving the life chances of our young people.

“Experts have long been telling us how important a child’s early years’ experiences are, to their future mental and physical health, and we want to make it as easy as possible for parents and carers to tap into the wealth of resources available to them.”

The website brings together a whole range of games, activities and outings for families of young children to enjoy, all at no or low cost.

Each ’50 Things’ activity can help children to learn and are focused on relationships and playing together. Within the ’50 Things’ website and app, there is information about each activity, including: local links, additional support needs information, top tips, and resources.

You can also find free and affordable events near you in our local events section.  To access the website and download the app for free, please visit Fife.50thingstodo.org

To raise more awareness for the website, our team will be visiting some shopping centres to showcase the website and the app. They’ll be happy to chat and answer any questions you might have.

Pop along and meet the team on:

  • Mon 29th& Tues 30th January at Kingsgate Centre, Dunfermline, 10am-4pm, and;
  • Wed 7th February at The Mercat Centre, Kirkcaldy, 10am-4pm.