Roadworks on A909 Cowdenbeath Road, Burntisland

Fife Council is investing £287,000 improving the A909 Cowdenbeath Road in Burntisland.

We’ll be carrying out road resurfacing and tree cutting work from the junction of Dollar Road to the west of Grange Farm at the electric sub-station, between 16 October and 24 November.

Councillor Altany CraikCouncillor Altany Craik, Fife Council’s Spokesperson for Finance, Economy and Strategic Planning said: “We maintain over 2,400km of roads in Fife and we’re spending millions each year repairing and improving them.

“Our road network is vital to support economic development, inward investment, tourism, leisure and travel to work. Almost everyone in Fife uses our roads on a daily basis, which is why this type of maintenance work is so essential.”

Carriageway resurfacing started on 16 October between the Meadow Court junction and Dollar Road junction, and will last for 7 days with temporary traffic lights in place.

A road closure to the north of Dollar Road to Grange Farm will be in place from 16 October to 24 November for tree felling & carriageway resurfacing works.

The roadworks will be carried out weekdays from 7.30am to 5pm with signposted diversions via the A909, B9157 and A921.

Limited access will be maintained for residents as well as access for emergency services at all times. Bus services will be maintained. For more information contact stagecoach on 01592 645680 or visit

Councillor Craik concluded: “We apologise for any inconvenience and delay caused by these essential works, and we’ll try to keep any disturbance to a minimum. Your patience and co-operation during this time is greatly appreciated.”Map showing diversion in place during roadworks