Nominations for Community Council elections extended

Next Thursday, 7 September at 4pm, is the new deadline for anyone interested in standing as a candidate for their local Community Council to submit their nomination.Nominations for Community Council elections extended

The deadline for applications has been extended to allow as many local people in Fife as possible the opportunity to have a say in their local area.

You can download application packs from the Fife Council website:

The Returning Officer is happy to accept nominations without electoral number completed. The Electoral Services team can provide this when reviewing your nomination.

Fife currently has 85 active Community Councils out of a potential 105, meaning plenty of opportunities across Fife to get involved and have a voice in your neighbourhood.

This year, Community Council elections are scheduled for 28 September.

Lindsay Thomson, Fife’s Depute Returning Officer, wants to get as many Fifers involved in making a real difference in their local areas.

Lindsay commented: “We’ve extended the nomination period for Community Council elections by a week to allow more people the chance to get their applications in.

“I encourage anyone interested in advocating and helping develop their community to stand as a candidate in this year’s election by getting their application in by 4pm on 7 September.

“Community Councils have a positive impact on local matters across Fife, so it would be great to see more of them grow and develop.”

A Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute by the Local Authority – in this case Fife Council. The local authority is responsible for running the elections and dealing with the notification of election, nomination papers and the results. The Community Council is run by local residents to act on behalf of its area. As the most local tier of elected representation, Community Councils play an important role in local democracy.

For more information and to download application packs, visit