New pitch for Dunfermline High School and extended opening for Queen Anne High School pitches

This article is more than 1 year old

New astro pitch at Dunfermline High SchoolWork to replace the 3G synthetic pitch at Dunfermline High School is now complete and the opening times for the pitches at Queen Anne High School are to be extended.

The £200,000 project to replace the pitch, which was no longer fit for purpose, was funded by Fife Council, in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) and Scottish Football Association’s (SFA) Grassroots pitch and facilities.

The money to extend the opening hours of the pitches at Queen Anne High School will come from Pinnacle, who run the school as part of a Private Public Partnership (PPP) agreement with the council. They have agreed to provide £5,000 of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) funding every year until the PPP partnership ends in May 2028. The money will allow local clubs affordable access to the synthetic and grass pitches at times when Queen Anne has historically been closed.

Fife Council Spokesperson for Communities and Leisure Councillor Linda Erskine. Said: “Providing better facilities to help Fifers improve their health and wellbeing is an important priority for the council and I’m delighted that working with DCMS and SFA we’ve been able to replace the 3G pitch at Dunfermline High School. The pitch is well used by both the school and local community and is home to Duloch Juniors FC but was no longer fit for purpose. Now once again, we have a state-of-the-art third generation pitch for everyone to use.

“I’d also like to thank Pinnacle for their generous offer to provide funding so that we can extend the opening times of our pitches at Queen Anne High School. We know there is a shortage of pitches in the area, particularly on Sunday’s so this means we’re able to fill that gap.”

Craig Park, Chairperson of Duloch Juniors, added: Duloch Juniors are delighted that through our partnership with Fife Council, we are able to maximise the use of the facility. Having used the premises for 10 years we appreciate the support afforded by Community Use to allow our club to grow and provide an excellent facility for our young footballers.

For more information about community facilities available in Fife including, how to book our 3G pitches visit