Levelling-up fund of £19.4m million unveiled to boost Fife projects

This article is more than 2 years old

Fife Council welcomes the announcement from The UK Government that Mid-Fife and Glenrothes will share £19.4m of Levelling-up funding.

The aim is that greater investment in local areas will grow the economy, create good jobs and spread opportunity everywhere. In Fife, the River Leven Regeneration, Glenrothes and Mid-Fife are set to receive funding.

Fife Council Leader, Cllr. David Ross, said: “This funding will enable Fife Council, working with partners in the Leven Programme, to make the River Leven an exemplar for a green economic recovery to meet climate and nature targets, and a just transition to net zero.

“These funds take the first steps towards a vision of connecting Loch Leven to the Firth of Forth through an active travel route along the river. The schemes will have a key role in rejuvenating Glenrothes and Leven town centres, enhancing the attractiveness of Mid Fife as a place to live, work, learn, visit and invest’

The projects will enable delivery of key elements of the Mid Fife Action Plan, adopted by the Council in 2021, and will complement the Levenmouth Reconnected programme, supporting the return of a railway to Leven, which is currently under construction.

The improvements in Glenrothes Riverside Park include a new transport hub with electric charging, bicycle hire, information hub and enhanced accessible link to the Fife Pilgrim’s Way. Levenmouth Connectivity improvements will see the creation of 5km of paths along the river, and 30km of new accessible pathways between towns.