Increased Police presence in Levenmouth

This article is more than 2 years old

Members of the Levenmouth Area Ctte and police outside Levenmouth police station

Levenmouth Area Committee are working with Police Scotland to introduce a dedicated Police engagement officer for Levenmouth.

As Levenmouth recovers from the pandemic and navigates the cost-of-living crisis, Fife Council, Police Scotland and partners are committed to addressing the effects of poverty and crime in the area.

The three-month pilot will base PC Colin Rafferty at the Levenmouth Together Hub on Leven High Street. PC Rafferty will be able to deal with public concerns directly and from a local perspective.

Levenmouth Community Inspector, Matt Spencer explained: “Dedicated community engagement by the Police is key - giving early advice to the community and working alongside our partners offering support during a challenging time.

“A constant policing point-of-contact in the community will bring many positive benefits.”

This pilot will focus on:

  • supporting the vulnerable and helping to combat social isolation,
  • engaging with schools and colleges,
  • regular visits to social hubs and community groups,
  • building community relationships and partner agency working,
  • early intelligence gathering and reduction in crime, and
  • increasing visibility to maximise public confidence in policing.
  • Levenmouth Area Committee will consider funding this pilot at their next meeting on 8 February 2023.

Cllr Colin Davidson, Levenmouth Area Convener said: “Addressing public safety concerns is a key area of work for Levenmouth Area Committee. Through the Improving Levenmouth Together initiative, we’ve recently invested in new measures - such as mobile CCTV and electric bikes for the Police, to help people feel safe and secure.

“We’ll make a decision on funding at our next committee meeting.”