Fife Partnership events call for an end to violence against women

Reclaim the Night graphic

Fife Violence Against Women Partnership (FVAWP) are once again supporting the International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign from 25th November to 10th December 2023.

The campaign aims to raise awareness about gender inequality and calls for an end to gender based violence. It has been running successfully for the past 32 years.

Fife Council Leader David Ross explained why the campaign is so important and why Fife Council and partners are supporting it again: "In Scotland, at least four out of five incidents of domestic abuse recorded by police have a female victim and a male accused. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of violence committed mainly by men.

"We have a duty to expose domestic abuse and violence for what it is and change the stigma associated with it."

Laura Pearson is a co-ordinator of the FIfe Violence Against Women Partnership. She said: "The Partnership has developed a full programme of events - - locally to create spaces for conversations and awareness raising. We are asking people to consider what actions they can take to end violence against women in all its forms. These include domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, childhood sexual abuse and so called ‘honour based’ crimes, such as forced marriage and female genital mutilation."

The programme includes:

Orange the World. On Friday 24th November people across Fife are being asked to wear something Orange to mark their support and share photos on social media with #orangetheworld

Fife Centre for Equalities Drop In event. Pop along for a cuppa and learn more about the organisations working to eliminate violence against women in Fife. Held in New Volunteer House, Kirkcaldy on Wednesday 29th November between 12-4.30pm. Register your interest by completing this form.

Reclaim the Night March and After Event. This takes place on Thursday 30th November and is a chance to come together and raise awareness of gender equality and gender based violence.  Meet at 4.30pm outside Kirkcaldy Town House, and join the march at 5pm, down the High Street to the Old Kirk. There will be refreshments, speakers and chance for discussion. There's no need to book to come along to the march, but booking is required for the After March event at the Old Kirk. Tickets can be booked on the Ticket Source website.

Banner making workshops are also being held on:

Tuesday 21st November – 6pm-8pm, Lomond Centre, Glenrothes.

Saturday 25th November – 10am-12noon, K107 Community Space, Mercat Shopping Centre, Kirkcaldy

Monday 27th November - 10am-12noon, Glass Houses within Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline

White Ribbon Awareness Raising. Dunfermline Athletic FC, Raith Rovers FC and East Fife FC have offered their support to the campaign. White ribbons will be given out at matches during 16 Days to raise awareness of the White Ribbon pledge ‘never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women in all its forms’. Matches are on Saturday 2nd December at East End Park, Dunfermline, Friday 8th December at Starks Park, Kirkcaldy and on Saturday 9th December at Bayview, Leven.

Fife Women’s Aid Annual Event – working with children and young people. This event will take a trauma-informed approach to working with children, young people and families who have experienced domestic abuse. It will take place on Tuesday 5th December, 1-3pm at Studio 8, 8 Church Street, Glenrothes KY7 5ND. Everyone is welcome, but booking is required. Email or call 01383 732289 to book a place. See their website for more information.

‘What Were You Wearing?’ Exhibition. A powerful display of recreated outfits that victims/survivors were wearing when they experienced sexual assault, accompanied by a short statement from each person. The exhibition aims to challenge victim-blaming and the myth that sexual assault can be attributed to a person's choice of clothes. Support will be available from local services, such as FRASAC and Fife Womens Aid. Drop into New Volunteer House, 16 East Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1XT any time between 12pm-4pm on 6th December or email for more information.

Local Author Book Talk – The Petriarchy by Lynne Crawford. Lynne Crawford has written The Petriarchy® as a way to introduce the social system of patriarchy to children aged 9-11. Join Lynne for an online session on Wednesday 6th December, 10.30-11.30 or an in-person session at Dunfermline Galleries on Friday 8th December, from 10.30-11.30am. Both are free, ticketed events. For more information and to book, use these links: Online talk, In-person talk.

Added Laura: "We hope to make these 16 Days a time to raise support and awareness. Only by working together, can we move closer towards our goal of ending gender based violence."

For more information about this campaign or the work of FVAWP please email