Fife Council fighting the battle against potholes

ony Paterson (COLAS), Cllr Altany Craik, Philip Suttie and Thomas McGregor (Fife Council) Fife Council is fighting the battle against potholes with a new road surfacing process.

Working with COLAS Ltd, the council is using a microsasphalt surfacing technique on 28 roads in Cowdenbeath, Anstruther, Pittenweem and St Andrews.

The aim is to use the preventative treatment on roads to seal the surface, prevent potholes and prolong the life of the road by up to 10 years.

Fife Council’s roads spokesperson Cllr Altany Craik watched the team in action. He said: “By using preventative measures to keep our roads pothole free we are investing in the future of Fife’s roads and reducing the need for costly repairs.”