Warm Spaces offer shelter in the cost of living storm

This article is more than 2 years old

Warm spaces

The impacts of the current cost of living crisis are being felt everywhere and many people are already struggling to even heat their homes. This grim reality is often compounded by loneliness and isolation.

That’s why Fife Council has joined forces with community partners, groups and organisations to create a number of Warm Spaces, across Fife, where anyone can go to heat up, have a cup of tea and enjoy a little company.

Cllr David Ross, Leader of Fife Council, said:

“We have invested £270,000 to get these Warm Spaces up and running in our communities. Along with a large number of council facilities now offering this service, we have also been working with Fife Sports and Leisure Trust (FSLT), OnFife, and Fife Voluntary Action (FVA) to try to make sure that we have at least one Warm Space in every locality.

“The additional funding from the council means that many FSLT leisure centres and On Fife libraries have been able to set up Warm Spaces where the public can sit for a while, perhaps with a hot drink, take part in some free activities if they wish, and get the benefit of a warm place which they don’t have to pay for. With the help of FVA, we have been able to identify and fund 80 community organisations and groups to set up Warm Spaces in our local communities.”

Warm Spaces are places that people can go, free of charge, to get a little respite from the challenges of heating their homes this winter. Most spaces will offer some hot drinks and maybe a bite to eat. But possibly the most important thing they will all offer is a friendly face and access to information and advice on a whole range of support that is available.

To find out more details and opening times go to our.fife.scot and use our interactive map to find a Warm Space near you.

Fife Sports and Leisure Trust are delivering Active Warm Sessions. These provide a friendly social space where people can take part in activities, to improve physical and mental health. There are optional, informal, social activities like table tennis, indoor curling, board games and short exercise activities .or you can simply enjoy some company and a cup of tea and a biscuit.

OnFife have dedicated nine libraries across Fife as “warm spaces” in partnership with Fife Council. You’re welcome to read, surf the internet, and have a blether as well as enjoy board games, or just relax and enjoy a free cuppa.

Fife Voluntary Action have helped us distribute grants of up to £5k for community groups to provide warm places in communities. There will also be some activities available, and warm drinks/snacks for those who go along.

Added to these are a wealth of Community Use venues, which will be open for the community to access tea and coffee and a wide variety of board games, whilst community activity takes place.

Cllr Ross concluded:

"The warm spaces initiative is just one of many ways we are trying to ease the strain for Fifers this winter. We have been working closely with all our community partners to try to make sure that people are getting help where it’s needed. All of this information has been brought together on the #OurFife website but for those not online support is available through the Community Support line on 0800 952 0330.

“Don’t struggle alone this winter. Get help. “