Glenrothes Bus Station facelift

This article is more than 2 years old

Starting next week work will begin improving the areas around Glenrothes Bus Station and Kino Cinema.

Over the next year we’ll invest £900,000:

  • replacing the footways on upper and lower bus station concourses, Kino cinema and surrounding businesses leading to the Kingdom Centre,
  • installing new information boards at the bus station and Real Time Information displays in bus shelters,
  • creating a new bus stance,
  • resurfacing the taxi rank next to the bus station, and
  • upgrading the street lighting at the bus station and around the north side of the Kingdom Centre.

Cllr Altany Craik, Convener of Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee said: “We’re investing in our town centres by bringing in new and innovative uses for spaces and better public realm. These improvement works to Glenrothes Bus Station and surrounding area follows on from the redevelopment of North Street and continues Glenrothes town centre refresh.”

The bus station works will be carried out in phases with works starting in the lower concourse area first. To carry out the works, several bus stances will need to close, but temporary stances and walkways will be created along with signage and timetable information boards.  All going to plan, the bus station works will be complete by the end of the year.

We’ll maintain access for emergency services and local businesses in the area. Businesses will remain open during the works.

Cllr Craik concluded: “We apologise for any inconvenience and delay caused by these improvement works, and we’ll try to keep any disturbance to a minimum. Your patience and co-operation during this time is greatly appreciated.”