Fife Council trialling exclusion zones outside schools

This article is more than 2 years old

Pitcoudie Primary School, Glenrothes.Glenrothes Area Committee has agreed plans to introduce an experimental school exclusion zone for Pitcoudie Primary School, Glenrothes.

The trial will measure the effects of preventing traffic on Iona Park near to the school, at set periods of the school day – typically during start and finish times. Access will remain available for blue badge holders and residents of Iona Park.

Similar experimental schemes are planned for Denend Primary Cardenden and St Marie’s Primary School Kirkcaldy subject to committee approval. It is hoped that all three will be implemented together during the October school holidays.

Cllr. Craig Walker, Convener of the Glenrothes Area Committee, said: “Fife Council is trialling traffic exclusion zones outside three primary schools, with a view to child safety, reducing car journeys and encouraging children to walk, scoot or cycle to school. By restricting traffic in streets outside our schools, we hope parents will decide to leave the car at home when taking their children to school. If it’s not feasible for the children to walk the entire way to school we hope parents will park further away and walk the remaining distance.

He added: “The experimental traffic restrictions in Iona Park will be in place for a maximum period of 18 months and during this time consultation with the school, parents, local residents and local members will be carried out.”

Experimental school exclusion zones have been trialled successfully in Edinburgh and other councils and they have gone on to create permanent school zones. They felt that the trials had been a success and were of benefit to school communities.