Fife Council launches consultation to improve bus journeys

This article is more than 2 years old

Fife Council, as part of the Fife Bus Partnership, is giving residents, business, and visitors the opportunity to share how bus journeys could be improved in Fife.

As part of Fife Council’s commitment to tackling climate change, more people in Fife will be encouraged to make more sustainable travel choices, such as using public transport. To help make this happen, the Fife Bus Partnership is looking at ways to make current bus services quicker, more convenient, and more reliable across Fife.

Fife Council won £1.8 million from Transport Scotland’s Bus Partnership Fund to explore ambitious schemes that incorporate bus priority measures that tackle congestion and slow journey times, and improve reliability. The proposed changes are being supported by and developed in collaboration with Fife’s main bus operators.

An online public consultation has been launched by Fife Council to give people the opportunity to share how they think bus journeys could be better. The project is at an early stage, so local knowledge is important because local people can help identify problem areas on their bus journeys. The feedback that is given in the consultation will be used to create designs to help improve bus journeys times.

Tony McRae, Service Manager Passenger Transport, Fife Council, said: “More reliable bus services will help tackle inequalities and social exclusion, as well as help deliver economic growth. We are now developing proposals so that residents and visitors can benefit from better journey times, a more reliable service and reduced congestion.

“We aim to improve public transport services and infrastructure for people who live in, or work in, Fife. A more efficient and attractive public transport system will help us deliver a sustainable, fairer and greener economic recovery, helping to tackle poverty, contribute towards improved air quality and a reduction in greenhouse gases."

Take the short survey on travel habits to help the council address today's transport challenges at

The consultation is open from Monday 30 May to Monday 11 July 2022.

Please note, there is a separate consultation run by Tayside Bus Partnership which concerns the route from Dundee to St Andrews only, which is not affiliated with this consultation.