Excellence Award for Fife Justice Services team working to TURN lives around.

This article is more than 2 years old

Cosla Excellence Award - TURN men's group.jpgFife Council’s Justice Social Work Service is celebrating after a win at the COSLA Excellence Awards 2022

The team came out on top in the Tackling Inequalities and Improving Health category for the work they do with TURN, a support group set up by male service users.

The group promotes further education as a way to gain new skills and knowledge to open up paid or voluntary employment, or other opportunities to get involved in their communities. Learning covers a range of topics including physical and mental health, employability, creative skills, cooking, DIY, and gardening.

TURN wanted to show that the support they receive is appreciated and to find a way to pay that support forward to others. After completing a creative skills module, TURN participants scripted and produced a seven-minute film, detailing their life struggles and sharing advice about making right choices.

The film caught the eyes of the council’s executive team, and it was nominated for one of CoSLA’s Excellence Awards.

After receiving the award Rachel McMurray, Social Work Assistant said: “When we shared the film on social media it got some great feedback.   We’re all really proud that the efforts of the TURN men’s group has been recognised.  The Excellence Awards celebrate projects like ours that are improving people’s quality of life and together with the Justice Social Work Service team, they’re very worthy winners of this award.”