Tackling poverty and food insecurity – prevention is the way forward

This article is more than 3 years old

Hands holding wrists

Fife Council has reaffirmed its commitment to tackling poverty and food insecurity and has agreed measures to help break the cycle for future generations.

Poverty and food insecurity existed before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, however, as a result, more people have been affected. Not only that, they now need a wider network of wraparound support – it’s no longer just the lack of food that’s having an impact .

Members of Fife Council’s Communities and Housing sub-committee have agreed to continue to make sure help is available to Fifers. The Committee agreed that we will continue our longstanding commitment to universal provision of Holiday Food for children and families; and activities, through Café Inc.

We will administer the Pandemic Payments and payments to families on Free School Meals.

We will reopen our Job Clubs; and we’ll work with Citizens and Rights Fife (CARF) to ensure that people can maximise their income.

Longer term, we will create a Food Partnership, working with partners, to develop a strategy to tackle food insecurity, not just in emergencies, but for all our communities going forward.

Convener of the Communities and Housing Service Sub-Committee, Councillor Judy Hamilton, said: “At the heart of Fife’s response to food insecurity is an approach that supports our communities and people with dignity.

“The pandemic has revealed to us that food and welfare security is fragile; and coming out of the pandemic and looking ahead, we are committed to supporting all of our people and communities.

“Whilst the Committee welcomed targeted support from the Scottish Government, we are very aware that many people may miss out on that, and we are committed to ensure that we have robust help in place for everyone

“This is a huge demonstration of our commitment to the people of Fife, to tackle poverty, support communities and ensure that by having short, medium- and longer-term proposals, we will make sure that no-one is left behind.“