Picture Fife with ‘Postcode Pictures’

This article is more than 3 years old

Libby Haldane showing her picture of the Forth BridgeAs we all emerge into the nice Spring sunshine we would like children across Fife to look again and at Fife. Postcode Pictures is about capturing the local area. See it with new eyes.

With this latest Active Schools Campaign, we are encouraging our pupils and their families to visit landmarks in their local community. In many instances this might be places that you know well. Spaces such as greenspaces, parks, woodland, beaches and historical places. We want the whole family to get involved, to look again, notice new things, get active and appreciate the variety Fife offers on your doorstep.

As the campaign progresses we want you to draw or photograph the local paths, cycle paths and core paths. Get out in the fresh air and discover where these paths take you whether by bike, scooter or walking. Notice the views, the plants, the animals and the enjoyment.

As local facilities open and clubs start to meet, capture the excitement of being able to take part in the activities you love with the friends you have missed. Help us to help your community thrive.

Pamela Colburn, Active Schools Manager, said “We want our children to be proud of the area they live in. Fife is so diverse, and every area has a story to be told, or illustrated. We’d like families to get out, be active and discover the variety around them. Show us why their town or village, their friends and their community is great.”

Starting this week (26th April) get out and explore your surroundings. Bi-weekly we will promote different places across Fife for you to visit. Find out how to share your photos, selfies and pictures via Fife Active Schools social media channels and join in the fun.

The photograph is of Libby Haldane showing her fantastic drawing of the Forth Bridge - demonstrating that this is not all about photographs.