News from South and West Fife Area Committee

This article is more than 2 years old

The members of South and West Fife Area Committee met this morning (Wednesday).


First on the agenda was a report from the MoD on the radiation monitoring and removal taking place at Dalgety Bay. Members heard that after a busy summer with work progressing as well as was expected, the visible work on site has now finished for the season. It will restart around April time and, with some revisions to procedures, the contractor is hopeful that they will be able to speed up the rate to remediate the beach. By early May next year, it should be clearer whether the initial target date for completion in September 2022 is still achievable.


The committee considered a report about the speed limit of the C53 Townhill to Bowershall road.

Convener, Cllr Alice McGarry, explained: “A Motion was carried at the committee meeting in August requesting that a report be presented on the potential speed reduction on the stretch of road to 40mph.

“Today the committee considered that report and voted for an Amendment that will see that speed reduction implemented. A Traffic Regulation Order will now go to both the South and West Fife and Dunfermline area committees.”


Members also agreed that 24 council flats on Sir George Bruce Road in Oakley will be demolished. The properties (odd numbers 101 to 153) have been difficult to let for several years and only 30% are currently occupied.

Cllr Alice McGarry said: “Attempts to make improvements to the flats in recent years have not achieved the results that were hoped, and the most workable approach now is to focus on rehousing the current tenants in a better standard of home.

“With most of the remaining tenants keen to move as soon as possible, I’m pleased that today’s agreement allows that work to formally begin. A number of new council homes have been built in the South and West Fife area in recent years so, despite this demolition, we are still seeing an increase in overall property numbers. I look forward to hearing more in due course about the progress being made in moving our Sir George Bruce Road tenants to homes more suitable to their needs.”


A report to committee members highlighted recent improvements that local communities had benefitted from thanks to the Community Payback Unpaid Work Scheme. Despite the disruptions and challenges that Covid-19 brought, committee members were encouraged to hear about the range of work carried out that has benefitted local schools, charities and community organisations.

Cllr McGarry said: “This year’s report from the team shows the impact that Covid-19 understandably had on their programme. However, it has been great to hear how they have adapted and to be reminded of the many local projects that were carried out over the last 18 months or so.

“There has been regular litter picking across our valued outdoor spaces including beaches, cycle ways and coastal paths. Gardening work has been carried out at community centres, schools and a sheltered housing complex. A number of rubbish uplifts, grounds clearances and outdoor painting jobs have also been carried out.

“The value of these sorts of community improvements really can’t be understated, especially during a time when everyone is appreciating their local outdoor spaces that little bit more than usual. Coupled with that though we’ve heard about how the programme is continuing to help offenders acquire new work and life skills.”


Councillors agreed to allocate £15,000 from the Local Community Planning Budget towards Cairneyhill Community Sports Hub’s project to build an all-weather multi-use sports area in the village. The money will be used to help fund the design stage of the process.

Convener, Cllr Alice McGarry is pleased at the project’s latest progress. She said: “This is an exciting project that is set to deliver a fantastic outdoor sports facility for the people of the South and West Fife area. I think I speak on behalf of the whole committee when I say that we’re very much supportive of the group’s ambitious proposal. We look forward to seeing it become a reality for local people to enjoy.”

The full Committee Papers are available to read.