New Mid-Fife prospectus identifies opportunities to boost economic recovery

This article is more than 3 years old

Prospectus puts Fife firmly on investor’s map

Fife Council’s new Mid-Fife Economic Investment Prospectus – showcasing what makes Mid-Fife a great place to live, work, visit and invest - was reviewed and approved by members at the Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee today, Thursday 10 June.

Councillors approved the proposed framework of economic investment in Mid-Fife as set out in the prospectus. The framework was developed in response to the initial Mid-Fife Action Plan Report, bolstered by the agreed economic recovery plan designed to respond to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

With successful and expanding businesses and a skilled workforce, coupled with the availability of sites, Mid-Fife has much to offer businesses and developers looking to invest. The prospectus highlights the many advantages of Mid-Fife and presents an overview of potential investment options and opportunities for key development sites in an attractive, easy-to-read document.

The prospectus and projects will be reviewed as required and the progression of specific projects are subject to the availability of resources and committee approval.

Cllr Altany Craik, Economy, Tourism, Strategic Planning & Transportation Convener, said: “As a council we’re committed to investing in the future and creating opportunity. Supporting business growth and jobs is a top priority for the council - both to provide new opportunities for local people and so that we can support the local economy and the wider supply chain.

“Our Mid-Fife Economic Investment Prospectus has been reviewed within the context of the ongoing economic impact of Covid-19. Government support has helped mitigate the immediate impact on businesses, but the concern remains that unemployment will increase once this support is eventually withdrawn.

“Inequalities have already been exacerbated as a result of the Covid-19 , with evidence suggesting that areas and localities that were already struggling , such as those in Mid-Fife, have been worst affected by the economic impact of the pandemic.

“The Mid-Fife Economic Action Plan identifies a series of recommendations to improve the local economy. Our Mid-Fife Economic Investment Prospectus takes this to the next stage by setting out a framework of proposed projects and investment opportunities that will address these recommendations.”

The six key themes identified as priorities for investment in Mid-Fife are:

Providing Modern, High Quality Business Premises
Supporting Innovation & Supplier Development
Skills Development and Progression
Promoting a Culture of Enterprise
Local Jobs and Access to Jobs
Promoting Place-Based Investment

The Mid-Fife Economic Investment Prospectus can be found within the Agenda papers for the committee