Levenmouth Reconnected – grant award process confirmed

This article is more than 3 years old

Fife Council’s Policy & Coordination Committee has agreed a process to award grants from the £10million Levenmouth Reconnected fund.

This programme will link a range of local initiatives, including the reintroduction of the Leven rail link and Leven Programme, to maximise the economic regeneration and social benefits they can bring to the area.

Community groups, social enterprises or businesses applying for a grant will need to show how their work will contribute to these aims and local priorities.

The grant application process will open early summer 2021 via the new Levenmouth Reconnected web portal and will be publicised widely when it’s launched.

  • Grants of up to £5,000 will be approved through the Levenmouth Local Community & Neighbourhoods panel. This is a group of officers from a range of council services, all working in the Levenmouth area – the panel also allocates funds from the council’s community planning budget.

  • Applications for grants of between £5,000 and £5m will be assessed by a panel of representatives from the range of agencies involved in the programme. Recommendations will be passed to the multi-agency Oversight Group for approval to advance to Levenmouth Area Committee for decision.
  • An accelerated process will be used for awards of up to £25,000, if it’s essential to make spending decisions outside committee schedules.

Fife Council Co-leader and Chair of the Policy & Coordination Committee, Cllr David Ross said: “The Levenmouth Reconnected Programme is backed by £5m funding from the council and £5m from Transport Scotland. This represents a huge opportunity for Levenmouth and Mid Fife, and we won’t let it go to waste.

“Applicants will have to clearly demonstrate how they’ll use any funding awarded to create opportunities for local people that complement the rest of the work happening in the area. We’re looking for projects that unlock access to culture, leisure, training and employment options. Spending that will benefit people already living here and attract new business, investment and visitors from elsewhere.”

Co-leader Cllr David Alexander added: “This programme is all about maximising the economic and social value of the new Levenmouth railway to the local area - developing initiatives and projects that build on the railway investment-led opportunity. So it’s right that the community are involved every step of the way.

“Local people on the task group, including community councillors and original rail campaigners, are engaging the wider community and encouraging participation. We’ve based the grant awards process and documents on the Fife Environment Trust model, which many local groups will already be familiar with.

“I’d urge everyone in the area to take an interest in the plans coming forward and get involved.”