Early Christmas present for Woodmill High School

This article is more than 3 years old

After what has been an extremely difficult year for staff and pupils at Woodmill High School, Christmas has come early thanks to a £50,000 donation from local employer, SKY, based in the town.

This year's been challenging for all our schools, but the blaze which tore through Woodmill High School a few months before the pandemic made it even more devastating for everyone involved with the Dunfermline school.

This donation has come as a welcome surprise to the school, with the money be used to give pupils the opportunity to learn new things in different ways - both within the school and on trips out. Pupils will also have their say about what they would like to see some of the money used for.

Sandy Macintosh, Rector at Woodmill High School, said: "This money will go above and beyond in helping us deliver fun and memorable experiences for our pupils. All of our pupils and staff have had a really difficult year, so it's fantastic that we have had this wonderful donation from Sky to make things a little easier in 2021.

"All of the pupils and staff at Woodmill High School would like to thank SKY for their amazing donation of £50,000 to support our school community after the fire that damaged our school in August of last year.

"We have a large number of parents and former pupils who work within the SKY organisation, who immediately after the fire were very keen to offer us their support.  For that we are hugely grateful.

"Within the school we want our pupils to be directly involved in helping to decide how this amazing donation should be spent.  At the moment its really difficult to plan external activities as the COVID restrictions mean that we are more limited in what we can do, however there is a strong feeling from our pupils that we should be considering field trips, outdoor learning, transportation to events and opportunities to enhance learning as key areas that could be supported by this donation, once we are able to do so.

"We look forward to sharing how the donation is spent, so that the kind people at SKY can see the impact of their generosity"