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Keeping People Safe on Fife's Roads

We want to keep the people of Fife safe on the roads. Above are some of the ways we hope to achieve this.

The aim of road safety interventions is to prevent crashes and casualties, working towards an ultimate vision of zero. Fife has a long history of reducing road casualties. The results, over many years, reflect the Government's targets for lowering casualty numbers.

We need to continue working to lower numbers. The current Scottish Government Road Safety Framework sets out targets to further reduce casualties by the year 2030.  It's based on a percentage reduction from the average figures recorded between 2014 and 2018.

The Fife Council Assets Transportation & Environment Service Engineering Road Safety Plan 2016 -2020 sets out the activities the Service, together with its partners, will undertake to work towards further reducing casualties.

A map of road crash locations is available below, showing the locations and giving brief details of the circumstances of each crash. This data is provided to the Council by Police Scotland.