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City of Dunfermline

Details of works planned for the City of Dunfermline area in 2024/25 are included below.

Key to progress indicators:

Works still to commence onsite Planned
Works in progress Started
Construction works complete Complete
Construction works postponed Postponed

Road improvements planned for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)BudgetProgress
3 Dunfermline A823 Bothwell Street / St Leonards Street (southbound) £170,000 Started
3 Dunfermline Izatt Avenue Phase 1 £92,500 Planned
3 Rural A994 - Cairneyhill east to Crossford west £504,500 Planned
3 Rural A994 - Dunfermline to Urquhart Bridge £232,500 Planned
3 Dunfermline A907 Halbeath Road £245,000 Postponed

Footway improvements planned for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)BudgetProgress
3 Dunfermline Halbeath Road £26,000 Planned
3 Rural A994 Ph 1 £92,000 Planned
4 Dunfermline St Lawrence Street Ph 1 £85,500 Completed
4 Dunfermline Pitcorthie Drive Ph 1 of 4 £114,500 Planned
2 Dunfermline C53 Townhill Road £22,000 Planned
4 Dunfermline St Lawrence Street Ph2 - West Side £92,000 Completed
4 Dunfermline Pitcorthie Drive - Laburnam Road to Morrison Drive (both sides) £51,000 Planned
4 Dunfermline Birch Grove, Ash Grove, Poplar Grove, Lilac Grove, Lime Grove £35,500 Planned
3 Dunfermline Halbeath Road - Dalcross Way to Strathmore Drive (both sides) £128,000 Planned
3 Dunfermline Milton Green - End of Footway at No 26 to end of Property No 40 £17,000 Planned
2 Dunfermline A823 Main Road - Leadside Crescent to Burt Street £19,000 Complete

Lighting improvements planned for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)BudgetProgress
4 Dunfermline Pitcorthie Area - Pine Grove, Willow Grove, Oak Grove, Chestnut Grove, Fir Grove, Hazel Grove Birch Grove, Ash Grove, Poplar Grove, Lilac Grove, Lime Grove £105,000 Complete
3 Dunfermline Abbey Park Place £21,000 Complete
4 Dunfermline St Lawrence Street £22,000 Complete
4 Dunfermline Queensferry Road (west side) £210,000 Planned
2 Dunfermline / Townhill Moncur Street area £81,000 Planned

Traffic Management improvements planned for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)BudgetProgress
2 Dunfermline A907 - Lundin Road to SWFAC boundary near Gowkhall £77,000 Planned

Structural Services planned for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)Budget Progress

Planned patching programme for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)Budget Progress

Cycleways programme for 2024/25

WardTown Location (Click for map)BudgetProgress
  Dunfermline Aberdour Road Phase 1 & 2 £175,000 Planned
  Dunfermline William Street (West Fife Way / Pittencrieff Park) £3,000 Planned