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Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Active Travel Route

Stage status: Concept design/consultation

The Bridge of Earn to Newburgh Active Travel project aims to create a safe walking, cycling and wheeling route along the A912 and A913 road corridors. This will connect communities along the way, in Bridge of Earn, Aberargie, Abernethy and Newburgh.

Construction within Perth and Kinross has already started and will progress eastwards towards Fife. The preferred alignment for the route has still to be decided within Fife, but it is anticipated that the route will start and finish in Newburgh Public Park.The project team is engaging with local landowners, regarding access agreements.

Fife Council is engaged in delivering a network of active travel routes for walking, wheeling and cycling throughout the Kingdom. We want to encourage and increase the number of people using active travel either for work, leisure or routine journeys. Cutting carbon emissions will make a better place to live in and a stronger healthier population.

  • Timeline: Concept design/consultation
  • Distance: 750m approximately
  • Approximate infrastructure investment: TBC
  • Key features:
    • Active Travel link from Fife Council to Perth and Kinross Council
    • A proposed off-carriageway shared pedestrian/cycle path
    • A possible new crossing on A913 Abernethy Road
    • Connectors to other active travel routes and Core Paths that exist locally

If you would like to submit any comments regarding active travel in the area, please email:

Map of Newburgh with black line indicating the section of A913 where the Active Travel path may be.