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Active travel

Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan

The Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan sets out our vision for active travel in Fife over the next 10 years; from now until 2034. The strategy will include a series of action points on how we can improve active travel in Fife. This will help make the case for investment in active travel.

Give us your views to improve active travel in Fife!

A public consultation on the draft Active Travel Strategy will take place from the 22nd January until the 25th February 2024. The consultation includes a StoryMap, outlining the strategy. There's also a map of a suggested active travel network and a survey for public feedback.

Follow the link to view the Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan StoryMap

Active Travel projects

We encourage everyday journeys and want to make it easier for people to travel around safely and efficiently. This includes improved walking and cycling routes.

For information on our current Active Travel infrastructure projects, please click on the buttons below:






For general information on active travel, such as routes available, getting started, support organisations, etc, please visit

Please click on our Core Path map, to view Fife's core paths and cycle route network plans.