The Blue Badge Scheme is a national scheme that enables people with significant mobility problems to park closer to their destination. The national scheme is open to eligible disabled people no matter whether they're a driver or a passenger. Blue Badges can be issued to adults, children or organisations providing care.
How do I apply?
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or via a paper application form. (Please note if you are applying under the Risk in Traffic criteria, this can only be done via a paper application).
How do I renew my Blue Badge?
It's the same process as a new application. Visit the Government's Apply for or renew a Blue Badge page.
Can I get an assisted Appointment?
If you are unable to complete this yourself, support can be provided. Please click the Book an appointment button below, for an assisted appointment.
Proof will be required
Before booking your appointment below, please make sure you are aware of the Proofs that will be required.
You do not need assessed and will qualify automatically if:
- you are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
- you receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- you receive the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PiP) and have been awarded either:
- 12 points for Planning & Following a Journey
- 8 points or more in the Moving Around category
- you receive the mobility component of Adult Disability Payment(ADP) and have been awarded either:
- 12 points for Planning & Following a Journey, or
- 8 points or more in the Moving Around category
- Enhanced rate mobility under special rules for terminal illness
- your child is in receipt of the higher rate of the mobility component of Child Disability Payment (CDP)
- you receive the War Pensioners' mobility supplement
- you receive lump sum benefit with tariffs 1 to 8 under the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme
- medical or palliative care personnel have issued you with a DS1500 or a BASRiS form.
If you meet any of the above criteria you can apply for a Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Automatic Qualifier Application.
Back To TopYes, applications can be made where an applicant is 3 years of age or older and struggles to get around (if your child is under 3, please refer to Can I apply for a Blue Badge for a child under the age of 3?).
You should have a permanent and substantial disability which means you are unable to walk or virtually unable to walk. Or you may have a temporary but substantial disability, which means you are unable to walk or virtually unable to walk, which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months, but less than 3 years.
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Further Assessment application.
Back To TopChildren under the age of three may be eligible for a Blue Badge for a number of reasons, for example:
- they have a medical condition requiring the transportation of large and/or heavy medical equipment, and/or
- they must be kept near a motor vehicle on account of their condition so that they can, if necessary, be treated for that condition in the vehicle or taken quickly in the vehicle to a place where they can be treated.
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Child under 3 years old application.
If a badge is awarded to a child under these criteria, the badge will be issued on the applicant’s 3rd birthday.
Back To TopAn application can be made under the Risk in Traffic criteria. The applicant will have a diagnosed mental condition which is likely to compromise their safety around traffic. (Examples are dementia, autism or Down's Syndrome).
Part of the application process requires confirmation from a healthcare, teaching or social work professional (but not a GP), that the applicant lacks awareness of danger from traffic and are likely to compromise their safety, or the safety of others.
Providing information on Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) or Social Security Scotland (SSS) benefits will help with the assessment of the application
This application can only be made via a paper. You can print copy of the Risk in Traffic Application.
Back To TopYou can make an application if you regularly drive a vehicle and have severe disability in both arms that means you're unable to operate, or have considerable difficulty in operating, parking meters.
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Disability in both arms application.
Back To TopOrganisations can make an application if they're involved in the care of disabled people who would themselves qualify for an individual Blue Badge. They can use the Blue Badge for vehicle(s) which are to be used to carry qualifying disabled people.
You can apply for a Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Organisations application.
Back To TopThere is no statutory right of appeal. In Fife, however, we will review a decision if you do not agree with it. A request for a review should be in writing, either to Blue Badge Team, Fife Council, Bankhead Central, Glenrothes KY7 6GF or by email to
You must provide the reasons why you think the decision is not correct and include any further relevant information about your disability, medical conditions or walking ability that you think should be taken into account.
Your request and all information provided will be reviewed thoroughly by a second person, who was not involved with the original decision. You will be informed in writing of the outcome of the review and this will be the final decision for your application.
Back To TopOnce your application has been received and all relevant documents have been verified, the following timescales will apply:
- Automatic, Organisational, Replacement (stolen/lost/damaged) Applications - up to 6 weeks
- All other applications - up to 12 weeks
Each application is treated like a new application, therefore the same process has to be followed as a first time applicant. You should complete a new form either online or on paper.
Timescales apply as first time applicants so allow yourself plenty of time to re-apply.:
- Automatic and Organisational Applications - up to 6 weeks *
- All other applications - up to 12 weeks
Blue Badges are subject to a £20 charge. This charge will be requested upon approval of your badge. Payment should not be sent with your application.
Back To TopPlease note - stolen badges should be reported to the police immediately, as you will be asked for the crime reference number on the replacement application.
Lost or damaged badges do not need a crime reference number.
You can apply for a Replacement Blue Badge online or print a paper copy of the Replacement application form here
Back To TopPlease email with details of the change required. A member of the team will contact you if further information is required.
Back To TopIf you think that a badge is being misused, you can report this by email to
The Scottish Government introduced new legislation in March 2015 to protect Blue Badge Holders from misuse. Please refer to our Blue Badge Misuse page for further information on this legislation.
Back To TopA parking clock card is used in England, Wales and in the Inverclyde area of Scotland, as the time you can park using a blue badge is limited and indicated by the time shown on the clock card when you park. You display it on your windscreen next to your badge. You will receive a clock card free of charge with your Blue Badge. If you need to request a replacement, please contact
Back To TopParking restrictions are set by Local Traffic Orders, issued by Legal Services on behalf of Transportation Services and enforced by Parking Enforcement Officers. You should always check roadside signs when parking, for any local parking restrictions or information as these can change.
Further information can be found in the link below around the rights and responsibilities of being a Blue Badge Holder.
Rights and Responsibilities of a Blue Badge Holder
Back To TopPlaces where you cannot park
Even with a Blue Badge you cannot park in the following places:
- in loading/unloading bays unless signs specify time limits for badge holders
- on double or single red lines during their hours of operation
- where there are one or two yellow markings on the kerb
- where there are double white lines in the centre of the road, even if one of the lines is broken
- parking places reserved for specific users such as residents (permit holders) or taxis
- pedestrian crossings and zigzag lines
- clearways (no stopping) including urban and bus stop clearways, during their hours of operation
- school ‘keep clear’ markings during the hours shown on yellow no-stopping plate
- bus, tram or cycle lanes (Badge holders are not entitled to drive in bus lanes)
- suspended meter bays or when use of the meter is not allowed
- where temporary parking restrictions are in force e.g. roadworks or no-waiting cones.
Never park where it would endanger, inconvenience or obstruct pedestrians or other road users. Parking here could result in a fine or having your vehicle removed
Back To TopBlue badge holders can access Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline and Leven High Streets at the times shown. Restrictions apply at all other times, Please check the signs in these areas for any variations.
Kirkcaldy High Street
- Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday - all day
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - before 11am and after 5pm
Dunfermline High Street
- Monday to Saturday - before 12pm and after 3pm
- Sunday - all day
Leven High Street
- Monday to Sunday - before 2pm and after 5pm
Negotiations are taking place about the recognition and use of UK Blue Badges in some European countries. Please visit the Scottish Government's guidance on Using a Blue Badge in the European Union.
Back To TopIf you are visiting Fife, you can use a European Blue Badge from European Union Governments. Further information can be found on the Government's page - Using a Blue Badge in Europe.
If you are visiting from a non-EU country, legislation does not allow temporary Blue Badges to be provided.
The Scottish Government advises that you should bring your disabled parking badge with you and check with the local parking authorities to see if your badge would be recognised.
You can email us at and we will discuss what information we need from you.
Back To TopYour Blue Badge is no longer valid once it has expired; you can receive a penalty for parking if you display the out-of-date badge. You should give yourself time to apply for a new badge. (However, currently Fife Council are extending the period a holder can continue to display their expired Badge and benefit from parking concessions within Fife Council car parks and on-street parking in Fife for 3 months from the Badge expiry date).
Back To TopIf you no longer require your Blue Badge, you can drop it off at any Customer Service Centre and you will receive a receipt for this.
Alternatively, you can send it directly to us -
- Customer Service Travel Team, Fife Council, 1st Floor, Fife House West, North Street, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
Unfortunately, we get a lot of badges sent through the post with no information. When posting your badge, it would be helpful if you could provide a short note explaining why the Blue Badge is being returned - for example, because the owner has passed away.
Returning a Blue Badge should be part of our Tell Us Once process, when a death is registered, but sometimes this is missed.
Back To TopTo find out information about the Low Emission Zones coming into force in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow or to register your Blue Badge exemption for the LEZ, please visit the official Low Emission Zones Scotland website
Back To TopCopies of the application types are shown below and can be printed from there.
For any further enquiries, please email
Further information is contained in the leaflet about the Rights and responsibilities of being a Blue Badge Holder.
Related Publications
- Blue Badge Application - Automatic Qualifier
- Blue Badge Application - Unable to walk or virtually unable to walk
- Blue Badge Application - Replacement
- Blue Badge Application - Risk in Traffic
- Blue Badge Application for Organisations
- Blue Badge Application - Child under 3 years old
- Blue Badge Application - Disability in both arms