Fair, sustainable access for all
The Local Transport Strategy for Fife 2023-2033 sets out our vision and priorities for transport in Fife over the next ten years. The strategy helps us improve the services we provide and makes the case for investment.
The strategy was approved by the Fife Council Cabinet Committee on 30th November 2023.
Here is a Summary of the Local Transport Strategy for Fife 2023-2033
Here is the full Local Transport Strategy for Fife 2023-2033
We have assessed the environmental effects of the strategy in our Strategic Environmental Assessment and Post Adoption Statement.
We have also considered the strategy's effect on Fifers in our Equality Impact Assessment.
Fife Council manages walking, wheeling and cycling routes; local roads; car parking; and subsidises some bus services using our available budgets. We also work closely with the operators of the trunk roads, bus services and rail network.
Our vision and priorities
Our vision is that by 2033, Fife's transport system will support communities with affordable, seamless, and sustainable access to all aspects of our daily lives.
Our vision is supported by four priorities:
- Fair access to daily activities
- Safe and secure travel for all
- A just transition to net zero
- A resilient transport network
Our vision and priorities support the outcomes of the Plan for Fife and National Transport Strategy 2.
Our priorities in full
Access to work, education, healthcare, and leisure is crucial for our wellbeing and our economy. We will provide opportunities for all, by focusing on walking, cycling, wheeling and public transport, and supporting town centres.
What we will do:
- Increase the proportion of trips that are walked, wheeled, and cycled to 30% by 2033, from a baseline of 23% in 2019
- Develop an Active Travel Strategy, including a plan for a Fife-wide walking, wheeling, and cycling network
- With partners, increase the proportion of trips by bus to 10% in 2033, from a baseline of 6% in 2019
- Investigate bus service options contained within the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019, in particular the feasibility of local authority-run buses
- Review the Fife Parking Strategy to provide a vision and action plan for parking in Fife
Our transport network is for all members of the community. We will focus on improving safety, security, and accessibility for all Fifers, especially groups who have previously been disadvantaged using transport.
What we will do:
- With partners, reduce road deaths and serious injuries by 50% by 2030, and by 60% for children. Seek to achieve Vision Zero, a long-term aim for no road casualties, by 2050
- Review our policies on speed limits and street lighting
- Carry out improvements to our walking, wheeling, and cycling routes and bus stops, to improve accessibility
- Develop a new Road Safety Action Plan to prioritise road safety improvements and encourage safe driving, in partnership with the Road Casualty Reduction Group
The Council declared a climate emergency in September 2019 and has committed to a just transition to net zero by 2045. We will provide leadership in working with others to decarbonise the transport sector, by encouraging sustainable travel and enabling the roll-out of zero-emission vehicles.
What we will do:
- Provide leadership in working with others to reduce Fife's transport emissions by 56% by 2030, compared with 1990
- Support a 20% reduction in vehicle kilometres by 2030, compared with 2019
- Support sustainable travel choices through education and engagement
- Do not provide new road capacity, except in specific circumstances
- Develop a Public EV Strategy and Expansion Plan, to enable the private sector and community groups to install and operate electric vehicle charging points
- Prioritise sustainable transport in the Council's Local Development Plan 2
Our transport network is crucial to keeping Fife moving. We will focus on maintenance and resilience to keep our infrastructure in good condition and tackle extreme weather caused by climate change.
What we will do:
- Retain our existing road condition, despite increasing pressure due to climate change
- Carry out maintenance using our risk-based approach
- Focus on the maintenance of walking, cycling and wheeling infrastructure
- Develop a climate resilience action plan, setting out our approach to protecting the transport network from the effects of extreme weather
Delivering the strategy
We will deliver our vision and objectives by:
- Prioritising the best value solutions that contribute most to our objectives
- Developing community-led Local Area Transport Plans
- Applying for multi-year and revenue funding
- Developing a delivery plan and regularly monitoring progress