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Community emergency resilience groups in Fife

Community emergency resilience groups across Fife are at different stages of developing their community emergency resilience arrangements.

  • Balmerino, Gauldry, Kilmany and Logie Community Council
  • Blebo Craigs Village Hall
  • Craigrothie Village Hall Committee
  • Culross Community Resilience Forum
  • Dairsie Community Council
  • East Neuk Community Emergency Planning Team (ENCEPT)
  • Falkland Flood Action Group
  • Giffordtown and District Community Council
  • High Valleyfield Community Council
  • Kincardine Community Council
  • Largo Area Community Response Team (LACRT)
  • Newburgh Community Resilience Group
  • Newport, Wormit and Forgan Community Council

If you stay in any of the areas listed above and would like to get involved, please get in touch.

Two community interest groups also work closely with emergency responders:

  • Fife 4x4 Response (4x4 vehicle response group)
  • Fife Raynet (amateur radio communications group)

Craigrothie Case Study

Watch the video below where you will hear from Kenny Macleod at Craigrothie Village Hall Committee. Kenny's team are helping his community be ready for any emergency such as fires, severe weather, and loss of power.

Our Emergency Resilience Team works with communities to help them be more prepared for emergencies. Contact the team for more information using the details below.

Emergency Resilience Team