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Private Housing Standards Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice - Private Housing Standards

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

Fife Council uses your personal information for the purpose of assessing and improving housing condition, ensuring compliance with health & safety legislation, licensing activities (HMO and Caravan Sites), application for UK entry clearance and regulation of private water supplies.

We have statutory functions to carry out inspections, investigations and interventions in terms of various pieces on legislation including but not limited to: Housing (Scotland) Act 1987, Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, Private Rented Housing (Scotland) Act 2011, Building (Scotland) Act 2003, Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, Antisocial Behaviour etc (Scotland) Act 2004, Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, The Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006, The Water intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies)(Scotland) Regulations 2017.

The personal information we gather and use includes name, contact details, date and place of birth, ownership details, tenancy details, details of other people living in your household, information on matters relating to fit and proper test (including information on any relevant unspent convictions), passport details, copy of birth certificate, financial records (for purpose of grants scheme), organisations, professional bodies or businesses you are associated with.

We share your information with other organisations and agencies such as Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Health and Safety Executive, Scottish Water, SEPA, the Home Office, other local authorities and other Fife Council services as appropriate and in line with our statutory activities, the protection of public health and prevention and detection of crime.

We receive information about you from other local authorities, other Fife Council Services, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Landlord Register, Scottish Assessors Association, Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Water. We also receive information from completed forms including applications for HMO licences, Caravan Site licences and Private Water Supply Grants.

We may also obtain information about you from publicly accessible sources such as Registers of Scotland, Companies House and the voters roll.

In the event that we did not obtain and use this information then it would not be possible to carry out our statutory functions and protect public health.