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Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration Privacy Notice

1. Purpose of the processing and the legal basis for the processing:

Fife Council and Fife Historic Buildings Trust uses the personal information provided by you via an application form, attendance register or survey, e-mail or telephone, for the purpose of delivering the Inverkeithing Heritage Regeneration programme (IHR). The IHR is being delivered by Fife Historic Buildings Trust on behalf of Fife Council.

The IHR comprises a programme of four linked heritage projects for Inverkeithing, that aim to engage the community in the heritage regeneration of their town, from 2019 –2024:

1.  Town House: Repair & redevelop into a community use hub

2.  Public Realm uplift of the Town Centre.

3.  Building Repair Grant Scheme – targeted repairs and improvements to listed and traditional buildings in the Conservation Area (both homes and businesses).

4. Training & Activity programme: for both adults & children to learn about the town’s heritage and gain new skills to help conserve it. Also traditional building skills & best practice – for contractors, advisers and owners.

This information will be used to communicate with you and to pass on any relevant information, such as project updates. This will usually be sent via email bulletin but may be via post if appropriate.  It will not be disclosed to a third party without your permission.

Your personal information in relation to third party grants will be used to process applications for grant, draw up grant contracts and make grant payments. Some of the information provided will be disclosed to the external funders as part of the standard grant conditions (grantees cannot opt out).

2. Please describe the categories of personal data processed by your Service or service:

The project will collect personal data including names, images, and audio and visual data of project participants, volunteers and contractors for project content including the Burgh Survey volume, oral history recordings, physical interpretation and training images and videos. This personal data will be published online, added to Fife Council’s collections and project interpretation, and made available for re-use. Any personal data in the project’s content will be given a Creative Commons licence for re-use (CC BY 4.0)

If applying for the Discretionary Grant Scheme, additional information will be requested from applicants (grantee or agent) including:

  • Address of potential grant-aided property (if different to contact address);
  • Bank details- to enable payment of any grant award(s)
  • VAT information
  • Property ownership/ lease details including title deeds, co-owners, buildings insurance, legal and professional representative (for grant aided property only).
  • Occupation & organisation details (agent only)
  • Special circumstances (where applicable)

Additional information may be requested from volunteers or attendees at IHR events or training activities, including:

  • Occupation/group status (e.g. school pupil, apprentice, building professional or contractor, volunteer, community group, local resident)
  • Health condition (only if applicable, e.g. access requirements, dietary requirements)
  • Photographs may be taken and used by Fife Council and/or third party consultants for general and IHR promotional and monitoring purposes and shared with external funders, specifically National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic Environment Scotland, for their promotional and monitoring purposes. Consent for use of photographs will be gained prior to use.

3. Any recipient or categories of recipients of the personal data:

We may share your information with other Council Services. We may also share your information with National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic Environment Scotland as funding partners of IHR and with third party suppliers contracted to deliver specific services related to the IHR, such as event organisers, or specialist training providers.  Third party grantee information will also be shared with the funders.

4. The source the personal data originates from and whether it came from publicly accessible sources (including information gathered about third parties e.g. where we have gathered information about a third party during discussions with a service user):

We receive information about you from yourself directly and/or from third parties acting on your behalf.  This may be via an attendance register circulated at IHR events or via a mailing list for parties who express interest in being kept informed about the IHR.

In relation to third party grants, we may receive information on owners from Fife Council, public records such as landlords register, and from neighbours in a shared tenement block, e.g. to contact an owner who will have shared responsibility for repairs and from Registers of Scotland.

5. Whether the provision of personal data is part of a statutory or contractual requirement or obligation and possible consequences of failing to provide the personal data:

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible to provide our service to you or carry out our contractual obligations to external funders, the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic Environment Scotland.

6. Reuse of Data  

The copyright content in this project is available for re-use under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. Creative Commons licences, including the CC BY 4.0 licence do not provide permission for any users to process any personal data that may be included in this project content. Under the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR and any data protection legislation in place in the country in which you are based, you will have a number of legal obligations and responsibilities relating to the use of any personal data in this content. This means that before you re-use any personal information in this content, you should ensure you have fulfilled any obligations to provide privacy information to the participants whose personal data may be included in this content. This is likely to include, requesting consent and/or establishing another lawful basis for processing or identifying any exemptions you are relying on for re-use of the personal data. You may also have to comply with data subject rights requests under data protection law. Further information can be found on the UK Information Commissioner’s Office website and the equivalent regulatory body in the country in which you are based.