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Concessionary Travel

Privacy Notice – Concessionary Travel

This Privacy Notice explains how Fife Council uses the personal information provided by you to process and manage your Concessionary Travel application. Concessionary Travel in Fife is provided on a myfife smartcard.

We have statutory functions to process applications in terms of The National Bus Travel Concession Scheme for Older and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Order 2006.

The personal information we gather and use includes name, address, contact details, date of birth and gender. We also require a photograph of the applicant.

If you are completing the form online, we will need to have sight of various documents such as a passport or photo driving licence.

For some applications we also require medical information.

We share your information with the Scottish Government and its agencies (e.g. Transport Scotland, Improvement Service) and the supplier that produces your myfife card.  We also share with Young Scot if you are entitled to receive that service.

For some applications we will share your information with external organisations in order to establish your eligibility for Concessionary Travel (e.g. NHS, Fife Society for the Blind).

If at any time you move from Fife and wish to retain your Concessionary Travel service with your new home Scottish Local Authority, at your request we will share your information with that Local Authority.

For some applications we will receive information from external organisations in order to establish your eligibility for Concessionary Travel (e.g. NHS, Fife Society for the Blind).

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible to carry out our statutory functions and process your application or provide you with Concessionary Travel / myfife card.

There is no automated decision-making in relation to Concessionary Travel.