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Communities and Wellbeing

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

The personal information provided by you to register for the Communities and Wellbeing Partnership adult learning courses, events and youth provision will be used by the partnership in order to register your child/yourself for participation in their services and to allow monitoring of the performance of services offered.

The personal information we gather and use includes name; contact details; date of birth; gender; ethnic origin; and where appropriate, school; employment status; disability; medical information; qualifications; legal order; work programme; parental/guardian consent; and emergency contact details.

We will use your information in aggregate form, (so that no individual user is identified), will be used to profile, report and improve services.

We will share your information with partners in the Communities and Wellbeing Partnership and associated organisations, (such as YMCA and community centre management committees), and with external awarding bodies such as the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) where appropriate for purposes including grant aid, external funding, certification and qualifications.  The partnership includes Fife Council; NHS Fife; Police Scotland; Fife Voluntary Action; Skills Development Scotland; Fife College; and Fife Health and Social Care Partnership.

We receive information about you from the form you complete or via other Fife Council Services.

Fife Council has an official authority to process your personal information for the purpose of registering for these services.

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible to register you for the service.