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Fife Council uses the information provided by users in order for us to deliver and offer an opportunity for tenants to participate in the CHARM project.  The CHARM project provides an optional service/method which will assist tenants in the monitoring of their wellbeing.

We have a statutory requirement as part of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 to produce a Local Housing Strategy which sets out its strategy, priorities and plans for the delivery of housing and related services and also to deliver associated services in relation to specialist provision and independent living. The use of CHARM enables us to comply with our legal obligation to provide services (housing support & enabling independent living).

The personal information we gather and use as part of CHARM includes:

  • User agreement: name, address, date of birth, biological gender, height.
  • CHARM bracelet (Polar device): activity (steps), heart rate, sleep pattern, calculated calorie burn.
  • Ucheck – Body composition scales: body weight, muscle mass, hydration, BMI, body fat, base calorie requirement & calculated physical age.
  • Ucheck- Camry grip: hand grip strength.
  • Ucheck – wellbeing survey: personal opinions.

We share personal information with our suppliers in order for us to deliver this service. We also share anonymous information from all users in our reports to our funder for this project, the Scottish Government and with our supplier.

We receive personal data about users directly and from our supplier.

In the event that we did not request and use this information then it would not be possible for us to provide this service for users to participate in the CHARM project.

Automated decision making/profiling: The use of CHARM involves automated decision making, including profiling, by our supplier to make decisions relation to your health.  Your explicit consent is sought prior to your involvement in the project.

We will keep users information for no longer than 12 months from date of signing.