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CEDAR Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice explains how we use the information that we collect about you.

Fife Council uses the information provided by you to assess whether or not the Cedar plus service is appropriate for you and your children, to support your recovery from domestic abuse and promote your safety and wellbeing.

The personal information which we gather and use about you includes:

  • name, contact details and dates of birth
  • information about your experiences of domestic abuse
  • information pertaining to your child/children's contact with their father/step-father
  • involvement with other agencies (including social work)
  • your child/children's school/nursery contact details
  • information about any additional needs, which are relevant to group planning.

We share your information with other agencies such as NHS Fife (health visitors) and other Fife Council services (teachers or social work) to get you the best support and help. We will discuss this with you, unless doing so would place you or your child at greater risk.

We also provide your information to our suppliers (such as taxi companies) to enable us to deliver this service.

We receive information directly from you or from partner agencies (including but not limited to NHS, education, social work and voluntary organisations) including when we take a referral and as your involvement with Cedar plus progresses.

In the event that we did not receive and use this information, we would be unable to provide you with this service.

The Council will not keep your information for longer than is necessary. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept. The Council has a retention schedule which sets out how long we hold different types of information. This can be found in Security and Compliance.

Further information on how your information is used and why can be found at The Council's Data Protection Officer can be contacted at: