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Planning Restrictions

Conservation Areas

You need planning permission for any external alterations or extensions to houses in these Conservation Areas.  You also need permission if you intend to carry out works on trees in a Conservation Area.

Listed Buildings

You must have Listed Building Consent (and maybe planning permission too) before altering, extending, or demolishing any part of a Listed Building inside or out.

Tree Preservation Orders

Some individual trees, groups of trees, or woodlands are protected by Tree Preservation Orders.  Permission is required for carrying out works to protected trees.


Some areas are at risk of flooding or regularly suffer problems with flooding. This will have an impact on the assessment of any planning application.

Removal of Permitted Development Rights

Most properties have the right to carry out a variety of works without planning permission.  In some cases these permitted development rights have been removed.

You can also check the conditions on any existing planning permission. Find out more information on our planning portal


Fife possesses a rich variety of archaeological remains, which are a physical record of thousands of years of human development and activity. These archaeological remains are a fragile and non-renewable resource that our Council is committed to preserving and enhancing.

Do you still need to get in touch with the planning team?