A site/block plan shows the area of land which indicates the boundaries of the site and the features within it. This plan should use an identified standard metric scale (of 1:500 or 1:200).
This plan must demonstrate the layout of the site and if applicable proposed buildings, hard surface, boundary treatments, car parking, access, open spaces, trees, and planting areas and include the following:
- Drawn to a recognised metric scale of 1:500 or 1:200.
- An accurate scale bar.
- The application site boundary which must match the boundary of the location plan.
- A north point.
- Depending on the nature of the proposed works, you may require an existing and a proposed site/block plan which clearly shows the changes to the application site.
- This plan is only required where the proposed change involves any groundworks within the curtilage of the building.
Note: Any plan that contains the disclaimer of “Do not scale” will be rejected - Plans for planning purposes must have a reliable accurate scale in order to be assessed.