We provide a Pre Application Advice service for Householder and Non-Householder applications. You can submit a pre-application to the Planning Team by clicking the Contact the Planning Team button at the bottom of the page. Select Do I Need Planning Permission to submit a pre-application enquiry.
This is a chargeable service. The fee for a non-householder pre-application costs half the planning application fee for the proposal.
A list of all our fees can be found within the Costs and How to Pay section on this page.
If you are trying to find out if a proposal requires planning permission then you should complete a Certificate of Lawfulness application. Details can be found on Scottish Government’s ePlanning portal at ePlanning.scot.
The benefits of pre-application advice include:
- It gives you the opportunity to understand how policies and guidance will be applied to your development proposal
- It can identify at an early stage where there is a need for specialist input, for example contamination, transport, ecology, etc.
- It may flag up that the proposal is unacceptable which could save the cost of submitting a formal application
- It may lead to a reduction in time dealing with the formal application
Advice we will provide:
- An assessment of the planning merits of a proposal
- How the proposal relates to key local plan policies and guidance
- Details of submission requirements
- Advice on the likely timescale for completing the planning process
- An outline of the material planning issues
Please be aware that pre-application advice will be made at officer level only and cannot guarantee whether an application will ultimately be successful. We will not seek input from external stakeholders (e.g. Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage) at this stage.
What do you need to submit with your Pre-application Request:
- A completed application form
- A clear description of the proposed development
- The address of the application site
- An ordnance survey based location plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 which outlines the application site in RED
- Details of the means of access to the site
- It would be helpful if you can provide as much information as possible as this will allow us to provide more specific pre application advice.
We would expect to deal with your pre-application enquiry within the following timescales:
Householder and Listed Building Pre-application - 20 working days
Other Local Pre-application - 30 working days
Major Pre-application - 40 working days
Some cases may be more complex and take longer to consider. If this happens, the case officer will contact you and explain why it is not possible to respond within the stated timescales.
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