The sections below provide information used to assist plan preparation and decision making in Fife on a range of subject areas:
Green Networks
Green networks are parks, woods, wild areas, rivers and burns that link to form a network for people and wildlife. Green Networks include paths and cycle ways.
Find out more about Green Networks in Fife
Back To TopThe Employment Land Audit provides an up-to-date picture of the status and availability of all employment land in Fife and supports the monitoring of the Local Development Plan. It also provides details about the development of employment land in Fife which took place during the audit period. Employment land it is categorised as either "immediately available" or "constrained" depending on the physical constraints, ownership constraints, and land uses permitted on that land.
Use our Employment Land map to view the sites recorded by the latest Employment Land Audit.
- Employment Land Audit Report 2021
- Employment Land Audit Report 2022
- Employment Land Audit Report 2023
- Fife Employment Land Strategy
- Fife Employment Land Strategy Technical Report
Contact: | Land Audits |
Email: | |
The Business & Employability service undertakes an annual audit, known as the Housing Land Audit, of the Housing Land Supply in Fife, using 1st April as the base date. The Audit monitors housing completions and makes predictions about future housebuilding in Fife.
Homes for Scotland (representing the national housebuilders) and local developers are consulted on the information to be included in the Housing Land Audit to discuss and agree on the Audit as far as possible.
Use our Housing Land Sites map to view the sites recorded by the latest Housing Land Sites Audit.
Click on the related documents below to view the current and previous Fife Housing Land Audits.
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2014
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2015
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2016
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2017
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2018
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2019
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2020
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2021
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2022
- Fife Housing Land Audit 2023
Contact: | Land Audits |
Email: | |
Vacant land is previously developed land that is available for redevelopment. Derelict land is previously developed land which has a physical constraint caused by its previous use that hampers its redevelopment or naturalisation.
Reducing the amount of vacant and derelict land is a priority for Fife and is part of the Single Outcome Agreement between Fife Council and the Scottish Government.
We carry out an annual survey of vacant & derelict land in Fife. Click on the image below to visit the external mapping application to view the sites recorded in the survey. You can search for a postcode or road name using the search box.
Use our Vacant and Derelict Land Map to view the sites recorded by the latest Vacant and Derelict Land Audit.
Information is sent to the Scottish Government, who monitor the situation across Scotland and produce analysis at a national level which can be viewed here.
The Registers of Scotland are able to provide information about site ownership.
- Vacant and Derelict Land Audit 2022
- Vacant and derelict Land Audit 2023
- Vacant and derelict Land Audit 2024
Contact: | Land Audits |
Email: | |
Retail Capacity Study 2021 - December 2021
The Fife Retail Capacity Study 2021 is the latest in a series of annual retail capacity studies, produced by consultants for Fife Council. These follow a similar format, with updates to the retail capacity forecasts every year and updates on retail market conditions every second year. The main purposes are to contribute updated information to inform the Local Development Plan and to assist development management on issues relating to planning applications for retail development.
Fife Household Survey 2016
In early 2016, Fife Council commissioned NEMS Market Research to undertake a household telephone interview survey to update their original survey in 2009. The survey covered some 1,800 households, with questions on shopping patterns and use and perceptions of the main town centres in Fife. The 2016 Retail Capacity Study draws on the findings of the NEMS survey on current shopping patterns.
- Fife Household Survey 2016
- Retail Capacity Study (2014)
- Retail Capacity Study (2015)
- Retail Capacity Study (2016)
- Retail Capacity Study (2017)
- Retail Capacity Study (2018)
- Retail Capacity Study (2019)
- Retail Capacity Study (2020)
- Retail Capacity Study (2021)
Fife Local Development Plan Modelling (May 2015) was prepared in support of FIFEplan and considers the impact on the trunk road network.
The Fife Local Development Plan Dunfermline Paramics Modelling (June 2015) was also prepared in support of FIFEplan and considers the impact of the additional land allocations on the local road network in Dunfermline.
The Dunfermline Strategic Land Allocation Transport Assessment (July 2011) was prepared in support of the Dunfermline & West Fife Local Plan (2012).
- Dunfermline SLA Transport Assessment (July 2011)
- Dunfermline SLA Transport Assessment Exec Summary (July 2011)
- Fife LDP Dunfermline Paramics Modelling (June 2015)
- Fife LDP Modelling - Report (May 2015)
- Fife LDP Modelling Appendix C (May 2015)
The map link below allows you to view the location of wind turbines that have been approved or are at the planning application stage in Fife. It does not show whether the wind turbines are operational or under construction.
The map does not include:
- wind turbines proposed by scoping/screening applications and refused planning applications
- wind turbines below 15m in height
By clicking on individual dots on the map you are able to view details of turbines, such as height. Links are provided to associated planning applications.
Back To TopCoal Mining Areas - Risk Assessment
As a statutory consultee for development proposals, the Mining Remediation Authority is introducing a new risk-based approach to development management. This is part of their strategic objective to manage the legacy of coal mining activities.
This may have an impact on the determination of planning applications within coal mining areas within Fife. Depending upon the type of development you are proposing you may be required to submit a Coal Mining Risk Assessment report with your application.
We will advise you as soon as possible if you require to submit a report. However it is recommended that you use the map at the bottom of this page to establish if a report is required. This will help to reduce any delays when processing your application. If you are required to submit a report we will be unable to determine your application without this document.
To ensure that any risk posed by new developments is minimised, the Mining Remediation Authority has categorised Fife into 3 areas depending upon the level of potential risk. Areas of risk are defined as:
Coal Mining Development High-Risk Area
If you are submitting a Non-Householder application a report must be prepared for consideration by the Mining Remediation Authority. If you are submitting a Householder application no report is required. Full details are available in the guidance note which can be found at the bottom of this page.
Coal Mining Development Low-Risk Area
For all development proposals within a Standing Advice Area, a Standing Advice Note will be included as an Informative Note with a Decision Notice, but there will be no requirement to consult with the Mining Remediation Authority. Further information is available in the guidance note which can be found below.
Off Coalfield
No action or consultation required.
Contact the Mining Remediation Authority if you have any questions or require further information.
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