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Development plan and planning guidance

Development Plans

Development Plans set out a vision for how areas will change and describe where development will take place and where it will not. Planning Applications are assessed against the development plan.

The Scottish Parliament approved National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) on 11 January 2023. NPF4 has now formally been adopted by Scottish Minister on 13 February 2023.

Fife’s development plan now consists of the following:

From 13 February planning applications will be assessed against the above. Where policies in NPF4 contradict those in FIFEplan and its associated Supplementary Guidance then NPF4, as the most recent plan, will take precedence.

As a result of the adoption of NPF4, SESplan and TAYplan Strategic Development Plans no longer have effect. NPF3 and Scottish Planning policy have also been superseded.

Our Development Plan Scheme sets out the programme for preparing and reviewing Fife’s Development Plan - Download Fife Development Plan Scheme.

Planning Guidance

We produce a range of guidance providing information about how planning applications will be assessed, and how our planning policies will be used. View our full list of planning guidance.

Development Briefs, Frameworks and Charrettes

We have a number of development briefs and frameworks offering detailed guidance for specific locations, and are also involved in community consultation (charrette) events. Further information on Development Briefs, Frameworks and Charrettes.

Planning Background Information

Our website also provides access to information used to assist plan preparation and decision making in Fife. Planning background information - land use audits and technical studies.

Local Place Plans

Local Place Plans are plans for local communities that have a focus on development and land use. Registered Local Place Plans must be taken into account when preparing new local development plans. For more details please visit: or contact us at:

The Fife Planning Update (e-newsletter): Sign up for regular email updates from Fife's planning service. Click here to register.


Twitter: Follow us at @FifePlanning

Self-Build Housing List

Self-build housing is where an individual (whether acting alone or with other individuals) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once it is built.

By signing up, you will help us find out more about the demand for self-build plots in Fife, where people would like their plot to be, and the type of house that they would like to build.

This list will be published online but will not include any personal details. For full details please see our Self-Build Housing List webpage.

Related Publications

Development Plan Scheme (2024)

Planning Aid Scotland

Planning Aid Scotland is a charity offering a free, impartial and confidential Advice Service, provided by chartered planners (volunteers and staff).

The Advice Service helps individuals, community groups and business start-ups with planning, whether about your own home/building or wider planning issues in your community.