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Property enquiry and inspection services

Property Inspection Services

We can inspect work carried out with an expired pre-2005 building warrant where a certificate of completion has not been issued.  If satisfactory, a letter can be issued (sometimes called a "letter of comfort") to confirm that no enforcement action is intended due to the work not being covered by a completion certificate.  This service only applies to building warrant applications submitted before the 1st May 2005.

If any work has been completed without a building warrant, a completion certificate (where no building warrant is obtained) should be submitted along with the appropriate supporting information and fee.  You can do this online using the Scottish Government eBuildingStandards portal.

A fee is payable for each service.

  • Inspect an expired building warrant with no completion certificate £325
  • Confirm work does not need a building warrant £155
  • Any other property inspection requests £155

Property Enquiry Services

When a building warrant application is approved, the associated plans and documents are available for download by the applicant or agent for 30 days before being removed.  If you are the applicant or agent and your building warrant was approved within the last 3 years, you can request that the associated plans and documents are made available to download again, for a further 30 days.  To request this, please email with the address of property and building warrant reference number.

This only applies to the plans and documents available for download from our website when your application was approved.  For any other documents, please use the Property Enquiry Services.

For all other copy documentation requests please complete the form below - Request an Enquiry Service from Building Standards. A fee is payable for some services.

  • Check the application history of a property - £145
  • Provide copies of any relevant documents or drawings -  £65 for a single document or £130 for multiple (two or more) documents
  • Request to view Part II register document – please note these are subject to certain restrictions
Contact:  Building Standards & Public Safety 