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Landlord Registration

Private landlords must register with the council if they wish to legally let their property. If you have not submitted an application, you are letting illegally.

If two requests are issued, you will have to pay an additional fee on top of the normal landlord registration fees. The maximum penalty for letting out a property as an unregistered landlord is £50,000. A ban from being registered can also be imposed on you in any council area for a period of up to five years.

You can register or renew online on the Landlord Registration Scotland webpage. Alternatively, you can request a paper application form from us (details below).

You can also find a list of registered private landlords on the above webpage.

How do I amend or cancel my registration?

You can amend or cancel online on the Landlord Registration Scotland webpage.

Landlord Accreditation Fife

Fife Council have introduced a free Landlord Accreditation Scheme, which will help to promote and recognise those who take a responsible approach to letting properties.

The scheme aims to improve the standards of property management within the private rented sector. and allow tenants access to a high standard of accommodation. There is no obligation to apply. and this is not a requirement when applying for the current Landlord Registration Scheme.

Application forms and an information guide can be found on our Landlord Accreditation Fife webpage.

Landlord Registration Fees

The Private Landlord Registration (Fees) (Scotland) Regulations 2019 ( came into force on 11th June 2019. Section 3 of the regulations makes provision for fees to be adjusted from 1st April each year, using a formula that reflects the value of the Consumer Prices Index in the preceding calendar year. Where 1st April falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the fees are varied from 9am on the Monday following 1st April.

The fees will be varied as shown in the table below, based on CPI data for 2023. In accordance with the regulations, the value of the fees has been rounded to the nearest pound.

Fee to be charged (rounded value of fee)
Financial year Principal Two or more applications with
different local authorities
(50% of principle fee)
Property Late application
2023-2024 £75 £37.50 £17 £149
2024-2025 £80 £40 £18 £160

The new fee amounts took effect from 9am on Monday 1st April 2024.

For more information on what the above fees mean, visit the Landlord Registration Fees page.