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Empty Homes

At a time of great housing pressure, every home matters. Empty homes are a wasted resource that could be brought back into use as warm safe housing that meets peoples’ needs.

What is a long-term empty home?

A long-term empty home is classed as a privately-owned, residential property that has been vacant for 6 months or more.

Why should I bring my empty home back into use?

Empty homes can be a burden for owners and neighbours. In some cases, they can be a nuisance for neighbours and can attract antisocial behaviour, vandalism and fly tipping.

By bringing your home back into use you could:

  • Avoid additional ‘empty home’ costs
  • Benefit from the income of renting or selling your property
  • Prevent the property from falling into disrepair
  • Provide someone with a much-needed home
  • Help to support safer communities, area regeneration and the local economy

Fife Council’s Empty Homes Service

Fife Council’s Empty Homes service has been in operation since 2014. The service offers owners and neighbours advice and assistance to bring long-term empty homes back into use.

Many properties are empty for legitimate reasons. We understand that the process of renovating, selling, or inheriting a property can take time. However, if the property gets ‘stuck’, we can:

  • Provide advice to owners on empty homes
  • Advise on selling, renting, or refurbishment
  • Look at what can be done about problematic properties where the owner has no intention of returning a property to use
  • Assist in contacting hard-to-trace empty homeowners
  • Assist neighbours and communities being affected by an empty home

What help is available to bring my empty home back into use?

There are various options available, including:

  • Empty Homes Matchmaker Scheme, which puts owners in touch with potential buyers
  • Possible VAT and trade discounts for renovations
  • Council Buyback scheme, where the Council may purchase empty homes

Our Empty Homes Officers will be happy to discuss the available options to help bring your property back into use.

How much is my empty home costing me?

Calculate how much your empty home is costing you using our Empty Homes Cost Calculator.

Empty Home Council Tax charges

If your property has been unoccupied for 12 months or more, a surcharge of 100% may be added to your council tax. This means your council tax charge could be 200%.

Empty Homes contact details

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