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Methil, Kirkland, Methil Care Village

Photo showing the Methil Care Village, in Methil. There's a long grey road in the foreground, with several white bungalows with orange roofs in the background

No of Properties: 35

Tenure: Social Rent

Project Completed: September 2023

Project Details

On the former site of Kirkland High School, a combined project between Fife Council’s Education, Health & Social Care and Housing Services to create Methil Care village. Methil Care village is the location of a purpose-built Care Home and Nursery.

On the remainder of the site, Housing Services have 35 Bungalows. These consist of 2 and 3-bedroom bungalows, for wheelchair and Amenity use.

Housing Mix

  • 33 x 2 bedroom, Specific needs
  • 2 x 3 bedroom, Specific needs
  • Inclusive of 8 wheelchair-accessible properties

Energy Rating: EPC rated B

Sustainability Features:

  • The new homes benefit from Low Carbon communal heating system, with each bungalow fitted with a heating interface unit. This allows each property to have heating and hot water on demand.
  • Building Control’s Silver Standard (Aspects 1 & 2) of Sustainability is achieved.
  • Solar Photovoltaic Panels are installed.

Landlord: Fife Council

How to apply for these properties: These properties will be allocated from the Fife Housing Register