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Garden Care Scheme

**The garden care scheme is now open.**

Tenants who are part of our garden care scheme (also known as garden maintenance) get their gardens looked after by us. It's open to any of our tenants if they meet the conditions below. Please note, you must be a council tenant; we do not offer our garden maintenance scheme to private owners.

To join the scheme you should be:

  • over the age of 60, or
  • registered as disabled and in receipt of higher rate Disability Living Allowance. It needs to be both care and mobility components, or
  • in receipt of Personal Independence Payment. You must receive either the enhanced mobility or enhanced daily living components, or
  • in receipt of the enhanced or care component of Adult Disability Payment.

You must also have no other person over 16 years old that can cut the grass and hedge for you.

If you don’t meet the above conditions, we may still be able to help. Some tenants can't manage their garden because of chronic ill health.

The cost for 2024 is £62.

Standards of Service

In a normal season, you can expect:

  • grass cut every two weeks, weather permitting. We cut up to 500 square meters, for example 25 meters by 20 meters
  • hedge cut on two occasions, weather permitting
    • once in June or July
    • once in September or October
  • application of chemical weedkiller, if you want it. Weeds are sprayed but not removed.

Those who join the scheme after the date on the acceptance letter will receive fewer cuts.

Please contact your Housing Officer on the online form below, if you think you're eligible for this scheme.

You can also apply through your customer service centre, if you need additional support. You should bring the following proofs:

  • proof of age - Myfife card or photo driving licence
  • Disability Living Allowance, or
  • Personal Independence Payment, or
  • Adult Disability Payment

We don't need your payment when you first apply.

Once you have applied

If you have any queries after you've applied and received confirmation that you've been added to the scheme, please contact us at

Please note, we can only help you if you're already on the scheme or have been recently added.

Once you have received your letter of confirmation to join the scheme

If you have any queries or require to change anything on your application, please refer to your letter for the Housing Advice telephone number. You can also contact us your Housing Officer, using the form above.